End Unlawful Detention In the news

British activist Jagtar Singh Johal denied bail in India

The high court in Delhi has denied Jagtar Singh Johal bail despite the fact that he has spent seven years in prison with no credible evidence against him and that his trials have been severely delayed.

The cases against Jagtar are based on a false confession he made after being tortured by electric shock and threatened with being burnt alive. Prosecutors have failed to present any physical evidence, CCTV footage, recorded conversations or record of a bank transfer – indeed have failed to produce anything linking him to the supposed conspiracy.

“These bail rulings should shock the UK government into action,” Reprieve Deputy Director Harriet McCulloch told the Guardian. “To deny Jagtar bail when there is no end in sight to his trials and no credible evidence has been presented is clearly unjust. India is keeping a British human rights activist in arbitrary detention whils his government stands by.”