Nawaz Hanif

Nawaz is a Lecturer in Policing and Criminology at Birmingham City University. He previously held a Lecturing post within the Institute of Police at Staffordshire University. Nawaz spent almost a decade at West Midlands Police as a specialist Investigator in their Professional Standards Department, investigating police officers and staff for the most serious criminal offences, misconduct and corruption matters. Nawaz has also previously worked for Reprieve in the capacity of a volunteer, Fellow and a full-time employee, with his last role at Reprieve culminating in the summer of 2013.
Nawaz is the son of Mohammed Hanif, a former Reprieve client. Mohammed Hanif was unjustly incarcerated in Pakistan between 2006-2010 and faced the death penalty after being framed for murder. As a teenager on holiday in 2006, Nawaz was kidnapped by police in Pakistan and held for a time as emotional blackmail to compel his father to hand himself in to corrupt law enforcement authorities. Nawaz was later released and returned to England whilst his father was fully acquitted of the false murder charge at trial.