11 Yemeni men have been transferred out of Guantanamo Bay to Oman after more than two decades without charge or trial, reports The Washington Post.
One of the 11, former Reprieve client Khalid Qasim, is an artist and during his time in detention had an exhibition of his work in New York.
Tom Wilner, one of Qasim’s lawyers, said he was “overjoyed that Khalid is a free man” but condemned what he called the “appalling injustice” of his imprisonment without trial. “The torture he was subjected to over his two decades of detention without trial shames the United States of America,” Wilner said in a statement.
In a statement published by CNN Reprieve said that Khalid was “subjected to severe torture and mistreatment, initially at Bagram airbase, then Kandahar and Guantánamo, including beatings, sleep deprivation, extreme isolation, exposure to freezing temperatures, forced standing and stress positions.”