
European Aid for Executions Interactive Map

All EU states have made worldwide abolition of the death penalty a foreign policy priority. However, many European countries indirectly support the death penalty by aiding aggressive anti-drug raids in countries which execute drug offenders, including Iran and Pakistan.

Reprieve’s Stop Aid for Executions (SAFE) Project aims to address this injustice. We are calling for all such aid and assistance to be made conditional on the abolition of the death penalty for drug offences in recipient states.

Our interactive map below highlights the scale of the problem. Click on each country marker to see a range of facts, including the total amount the country has spent on counter-narcotics aid, and the number of executions which have resulted.


To address the problem of UK ‘aid for executions’, we are currently running an email campaign demanding that Keith Vaz (Chair of the Home Affairs Committee) launch an urgent inquiry into Home Office involvement in overseas drug enforcement.

Click here to join our campaign 

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