About Us

Reprieve is a legal action non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

Photo of Edward Earl Johnson from The TLS
2 minutes
Join the Reprieve US community

Sometimes, we find out a person is facing imminent execution and we have just 24 hours to take action to save them.

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We are investigators, lawyers and campaigners fighting for justice. We defend marginalized people who are facing human rights abuses, often at the hands of powerful governments.

We investigate.

We uncover evidence and reveal the truth about human rights abuses.

We litigate.

We challenge human rights abuses in the courts of law – in the United States and around the world.

We campaign.

The Reprieve US community fights to put the spotlight of cases of injustice. We amplify those cases in the media and by working with Governments to improve legislation.

Our investigators, lawyers and campaigners fight for those who need it most – people on death row, people held without charge or trial, people tortured and people targeted by illegal and lethal drone attacks.

You can find out how to get involved here.