‘David vs Goliath’ Litigation – challenging force-feeding ‘torture’

In 2013, detainees began a mass hunger strike to peacefully protest their detention and harsh treatment by camp guards. Many of the hunger-strikers were violently force-fed against their will – the video below shows Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) undergoing the Standard Operating Procedure for force-feeding prisoners on hunger strike at Guantanamo Bay.


Reprieve launched the first ever US legal challenge to abusive methods of force-feeding at Guantánamo Bay on behalf of hunger-striking detainees. With the support of 16 major media organizations, we are litigating for the government to release secret force-feeding videotapes from the prison. In July 2014, Judge Kessler ordered the US government to produce the video footage of our client, Mr Dhiab, being dragged from his cell and abusively force-fed. The Obama Administration  appealed this decision. We continue to fight on behalf of our clients for the release of the tapes.




Click here to see our Force-Feeding Litigation Timeline